Twice a year school districts in the state of Ohio submit a Five Year Forecast. This document is required by law - Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.391 - and must be turned to ODE in May and October of each year.
The forecast shows Deer Park's general fund finances for the last three years, acts as a budget for the current school year, and lastly as a planning tool for four future years.
We work hard to incorporate up to date information into our current and future year projections. We base our figures on what is currently known in addition to historical data from local and state entities. However, changes in education, the economy, enrollment, and in government make it impossible to account for every scenario. There are many unknowns that can affect our projections drastically.
- Our most current forecast (i.e. district budget) can be found here.
- For tips on how to read a forecast visit
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