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February 12, 2025

Passive book club reminder: Any student interested in participating int he passive book club is welcome to meet in the library tomorrow morning, starting at 7:30!

The next Step-Up club meeting will be this Thursday, the 13th!  See y'all in the Cat Den!

ATTENTION All HS students interested in attending the Perfect North Rewards trip. The date has been moved to Friday, February 21st. The cost is $10.00. Eligible students can pick up permission slips from their English teacher. Signed slips and money are due by Wednesday, February 12th. 9th and 10th graders should submit slips and money  to Ms. Baker, while 11th and 12th grade students should submit slips and money to Mr. Hubbard

Want to go roller skating during the school day? You can earn it now! The third quarter reward trip for junior high and high school is a trip to Castle Skateland. You can earn this by earning all As and Bs at the end of third quarter, no office referrals resulting in ALC or OSS between now and the end of third quarter and no more than three unexcused absences between now and the end of third quarter. 

This Friday is our Scarlet and Grey Day pep rally! Teachers have been given spirit tickets to pass out to students showing the most school spirit this week! You can use these tickets to vote on the staff member who you think deserves to be pied! Voting buckets are in the lunch room! 

Seniors: Interested in participating in a relay race at the pep rally? Email Ms. Troxell to secure your spot! 

Hey Junior High Students! Tickets for the Valentine’s Day dance will be on sale today and for the remainder of the week, located in the cafeteria. The cost of the ticket is $8. See Mr. Hills with any questions! 

Reminder to 7th grade students your grade level attendance reward is today.  As voted on, enjoy some delicious hot chocolate at lunch. Way to “Stay in the Game” class of 2030!

Any high school student interested in playing baseball, there will be a meeting in Mr. Hills’ room Tuesday after school.