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Contact Us

Below is a flow of communication chart for contact points throughout the district. Choose the type of concern below to see a list of who to contact for each situation. Please click HERE to be redirected to the staff directory.

1. Classroom Teacher
2. Principal
3. Assistant Superintendent


1. Principal
2. Assistant Superintendent
3. Superintendent


1. Classroom Teacher
2. Dean of Students (at Jr./Sr. High School)
3. Principal


1. Head Coach
2. Athletic Director
3. Principal


1. Principal
2. School Nurse
3. Director of Student Services


School Staff Member
1. Principal
2. Assistant Superintendent
3. Superintendent 


Special Education
1. Classroom Teacher
2. Principal
3. Director of Student Services


Gifted Education
1. Classroom Teacher
2. Principal
3. Director of Student Services


Counseling Services
1. Counselor/Therapist
2. Principal
3. Director of Student Services


1. Advisor
2. Principal


Food Service
1. Principal
2. Director of Food Services


1. Principal
2. Coordinator of Transportation


Board Office/Holmes
8688 Donna Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Phone: 513.891.0222
Fax: 513.891.2930

Office Hours
8 AM - 4 PM


Jr./Sr. High School
8351 Plainfield Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Phone: 513.891.0010
Fax: 513.891.3845

Office Hours
7 AM - 3:30 PM


Amity Elementary
4320 E. Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Phone: 513.891.5995
Fax: 513.891.0106

Office Hours
7:30 AM - 4 PM