Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School Wildcat Weekly: January 21, 2024
What's New?
A Message from the Principal
Hello Deer Park Families!
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the opportunity to witness our men and women bowling teams compete against Indian Hill, and it reminded me of how fortunate our children are to have such a wide range of activities to participate in at The Park.
At the beginning of the semester, I emphasized the importance of regular school attendance, and I am pleased to report that even with the challenging weather conditions, our attendance has been remarkably good this semester. I want to express my gratitude for your continuous support and assistance in ensuring our students make it to school every day.
One of the most effective ways to instill excitement in our students about coming to school is by encouraging their involvement in school activities, such as bowling. If you are unsure about how to get your child more engaged at school, please do not hesitate to reach out to our counselors or administrative staff for guidance and what is available.
Lastly, I would like to take a moment to commend our bowling teams for their outstanding performance. They have shown tremendous dedication and skill, and we are incredibly proud of their accomplishments. They are really good!
Thank you again for your unwavering support. Together, we can continue to provide our children with a great well-rounded educational experience.
John Vander Meer
Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School
Building Spotlight
I wanted to inform you about the exciting new opportunities that our students can take advantage of. In order to keep you informed, we will be introducing a new section in the Wildcats Weekly that will list various resources available to our students who are interested in exploring different career fields and opportunities.We believe that it is crucial for our students to have access to information about different career paths and the opportunities that await them.
By providing them with these resources, we aim to empower them to make informed decisions about their future and help them discover their passions.To give you a glimpse of what these student opportunities can entail, here are a few examples that we will be providing when we get them:
Student Opportunities
Building News
Schedule Changes
Due to Friday’s school closing Our Scarlet Oaks trip is rescheduled for Monday January 22nd.
The Perfect North Reward Trip for qualifying High School students is rescheduled for February 23rd.
Qualifying students in grades 7-8 will be going to Perfect North on Friday, February 2nd. Jr. High students will need to submit a signed waiver and pay $10 to Mrs. Davison by Tuesday, January 30th.
Scarlet and Gray Week
January 29th - February 2nd is Scarlet and Gray week. Students will be showing their DP Pride all week with spirit days and will end on Friday with a pep rally. Please encourage your student’s to get involved in the fun and spirit of the week. It will be a great week to be a Wildcat!
PTO Bingo Night
9th Grade Field Trip | March 5
Families, please click HERE to read about a trip our 9th graders will take to Cincinnati State and NKY Convention Center.
Winter Dance Information
Homework Club
UPDATED SCHEDULE - If your child needs extra help with their school work or just a place to do homework we have a homework club available for your child after school. Please see below for the schedule:
Junior High:
- Monday - Mrs. Smith Room 153
- Tuesday - Ms. Baker Room 137
- Wednesday - Ms. Troxell Room 58
- Thursday - Ms. Wills Room 58
High School:
- Monday - Mrs. Beck Room 233
- Tuesday - Ms. Feldman Room 155
- Wednesday - Mr. Moore Room 275
- Thursday - Mr. Devine Room 239
- Friday - Mrs. Beck Room 233
Counselor's Corner
Check out important info from the guidance office by clicking the link below.
Counselor's Corner
Looking Ahead
Please mark these important dates on your calendar:
- 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Finneytown: Monday, January 22 | 4:30/5:30 p.m.
- Board of Education Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 23 | 6:30 p.m.
- JV/Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Finneytown: Tuesday, January 23 | 6/7:30 p.m.
- 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Wyoming: Wednesday, January 24 | 4:30/5:30 p.m.
- JV/Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Finneytown: Wednesday, January 24 | 6:30/8 p.m.
In Case You Missed It
Wildcat Booster Blankets for Sale!
Exciting news! We've got cozy 60x70 Polyester Microplush Fleece blankets on sale at home basketball games! Snag yours:
- $30 cash
- $33 credit card
Stay warm and support the Wildcats and Wildcat Athletic Boosters in comfort! If you are unable to attend a basketball game, simply email to arrange a pick up!
Deer Park Students to Participate in Night for the Fight
Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School students are participating in CancerFree KIDS' Night for the Fight. Scheduled for February 24, 2024, at the University of Cincinnati's 5/3 Arena, students, along with others across the Cincinnati area, aim to raise $325,000 for childhood cancer research during this impactful event..
Those interested in contributing, can find the donation link at Simply click "Donate" and enter “Stay Golden” in the designated box. Alternatively, checks can be made payable to CancerFree KIDS, with Stay Golden in the memo line, and sent to:
CancerFree KIDS
P.O. Box 575
Loveland, OH 45140
Sandy's Closet Donations
Please remember Sandy's Closet for your donations of clean, gently used clothing, shoes, boots, etc. We are always accepting infant, toddler, youth sizes and clothing appropriate for our high school students.
Items can be dropped off at the Holmes Building during school days between 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Thank you for your continued support of Sandy's Closet!
Paying School Fees
Please remember to pay your student fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Fees can be paid in the front office during regular office hours or by using PaySchools. You will need a student ID to set up a PaySchools account. These are found on fee forms and are the same number your student uses for their lunch account. If your student doesn’t know this number, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at 513-891-0010.
Staying Connected
There are multiple ways to stay connected to Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School. Please see the links below for ways to stay connected through Email, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
- Newsletters: All parents who have completed FinalForms should receive Wildcat Weekly Newsletters. If you are not currently receiving them, please register for the e-mail communication. To register, simply go to and click on the button on the bottom of the page that says “Subscribe to District News”.
- Twitter: Follow Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School for the most up-to-date news and happenings! @DeerParkHS, @DeerParkSchools and @dpcounselor.
- Facebook: follow us at Deer Park Community City Schools and Deer Park Jr/Sr High School
- Instagram: follow us at DPHS Principals
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