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Now Accepting 2024 Celebrate Excellence Nominees

Deer Park Community City Schools is proud to announce Celebrate Excellence 2024!

The annual “Celebrate Excellence” recognition program is a tradition founded by the Hamilton County Educational Service Foundation and the event has been the Foundation’s main fundraiser since 2006.  The purpose of the event is to recognize “Educators of the Year” from nearly every public school district in the Cincinnati area.  Each individual school district submits their own top educator (including teachers, counselors, administrators, psychologists, etc.) to be honored at the annual Celebrate Excellence breakfast. 

The Foundation is very proud to be hosting the annual Celebrate Excellence Breakfast. This event brings together K-12 education, university, business and civic leaders to pay tribute to this impressive group of educators. Please help us pay tribute to this impressive group of educators by nominating an educator you would like to see recognized for their contributions as a role model for students.

Provide as much information as possible about your nominee on the form.  Identify the qualities and characteristics that make him/her honorable, give examples, and state specifically how he/she has had a special impact on the lives of his/her students.  Anecdotes and quotes from students are welcome!  No additional materials, such as resumes, letters of support, or recommendations are necessary.   

Characteristics of an excellent educator might include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Demonstrates a high commitment toward student achievement
  • Has the ability to challenge students to the next level 
  • Is seen by others as genuine and sincere 
  • Makes a positive difference in the classroom, school, and community
  • Demonstrates empathy for everyone
  • Strives to improve personally and professionally, and encourages students to as well

Fill Out Your Nomination Here!

Completed nomination forms are due to 
Jennie Cunningham at the Board Office 
by Friday, March 1, 2024.