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Support the 8th Grade D.C. Trip by Ordering Your Spring Flowers and Plants!

Deer Park Families:

Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School 7th graders have begun fundraising for their 8th grade Washington D.C. trip next year! Below is a link to purchase spring flowers and plants from Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse. Each purchase made will help support students in offsetting the cost of the overnight field trip!

To purchase, use the link below. All plants/flowers can be picked up on Sunday, April 23 in the Amity Elementary parking lot between 1-3 p.m. or can be held for a later pickup date if necessary. Contact Katie Estep at for to reschedule a pickup!

Shop Here!

Online purchases can be made anytime between now and March 31, 2023. All purchases will support the Deer Park 8th Grade D.C. trip!


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