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The Amity Weekly Minute: February 18, 2024

What's New?

From the Desk of Mr. Drouhard

Dear Amity Families,

It was great seeing everyone at our STEAM Night on Thursday! STEAM night and Harvest night are two of my favorite nights of the year. Both bring together our students, teachers, and parents to celebrate a night of learning. It doesn’t get any better than that! If you couldn’t make it this year, make sure you mark your calendars for the 24-25 school year!

Take Care,

Weekly Photo Gallery

Click the link below to access photos from all around Amity Elementary during the week! 

Full Photo Gallery

Weekly Gallery

MAP Dyslexia Screener For Grades K-3

This week we will be administering the MAP Dyslexia Screener in grades K-3. We already administer MAP assessments in Reading and Math. This new assessment is to fulfill a new requirement by the state of Ohio. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Amity Spring After School Enrichments

After School Enrichment

Amity Spring Photos

School Pictures

BackYard With Your Boy

Come out for a night of fun and games sponsored by the DP PTO!


Celebrate Excellence Award: Nominate an Outstanding Educator

Deer Park Community City Schools is proud to announce Celebrate Excellence 2024!

The annual “Celebrate Excellence” recognition program is a tradition founded by the Hamilton County Educational Service Foundation and the event has been the Foundation’s main fundraiser since 2006.  The purpose of the event is to recognize “Educators of the Year” from nearly every public school district in the Cincinnati area.  Each individual school district submits their own top educator (including teachers, counselors, administrators, psychologists, etc.) to be honored at the annual Celebrate Excellence breakfast. 

The Foundation is very proud to be hosting the annual Celebrate Excellence Breakfast. This event brings together K-12 education, university, business and civic leaders to pay tribute to this impressive group of educators. Please help us pay tribute to this impressive group of educators by nominating an educator you would like to see recognized for their contributions as a role model for students.

Provide as much information as possible about your nominee on the form.  Identify the qualities and characteristics that make him/her honorable, give examples, and state specifically how he/she has had a special impact on the lives of his/her students.  Anecdotes and quotes from students are welcome!  No additional materials, such as resumes, letters of support, or recommendations are necessary.   

Characteristics of an excellent educator might include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Demonstrates a high commitment toward student achievement
  • Has the ability to challenge students to the next level 
  • Is seen by others as genuine and sincere 
  • Makes a positive difference in the classroom, school, and community
  • Demonstrates empathy for everyone
  • Strives to improve personally and professionally, and encourages students to as well

Fill Out Your Nomination Here!

Completed nomination forms are due to 

Jennie Cunningham at the Board Office 

by Friday, March 1, 2024.

Amity Night at the Deer Park Library

Please join our Amity staff as we celebrate the joy of reading at our local library branch.

Library Night

Get Ready for the 2024 Cakewalk!

The Deer Park Band Sponsors along with the Deer Park Bands and Directors present:

The 2024 Cakewalk - A community tradition with sweet sounds and sweet treats.

The students of the DP Band Program--grades 6-12--will provide the music for a giant game of musical chairs. When the music stops, participants sit down in a numbered chair and if your number is called you have won a dessert!

This year, The Band Sponsors have decided to open up a variety of desserts to WIN. Along with cakes, we will have cupcakes, cookies and pies for our Circle Winners.

2024 Deer Park Band Cakewalk

Saturday, February 24

6:30 - 9 p.m.
Doors open at 6 p.m.

Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium
8351 Plainfield Road

Price of Admission:
Adult- $2
Student- $2
Senior- $1

Single walk tickets can be purchased for $0.25 each or five for $1


Deer Park Band, 6-12th grade
All community members and staff

Band Schedule:
6:30 p.m. - Amity Band
6:55 p.m. - 7th Grade Band
7:20 p.m. - 8th Grade Band
7:45 p.m. - Jr. High Jazz Band
8:05 p.m. - High School Jazz Band
8:35 p.m. - High School Concert Band

All Band members are reminded to arrive 30 minutes early, and then report to
the band performance area with all materials 10 minutes before their scheduled
show time.

No School- February 19th

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of President’s Day.

Amity Spring Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 29th from 1:00 PM-8:00 PM and Friday, March 1st from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. This is a great time to check in on your student’s progress within the classroom. Please see the link below to sign up.

Conference Sign Up

February Lunch Menu

Due to supply issues, lunch menu options change frequently based on availability. The most up-to-date menu is below, however, please continue to check the Deer Park Food Services website for the latest information.

Visit the Website


Looking Ahead

Please mark these important dates on your calendar!

  • Board of Education Regular Meeting (Amity PDC): Tuesday, February 20 | 6:30 p.m.
  • Band Sponsors Cakewalk: Saturday, February 24 | 6 p.m.
  • Amity Library Night: Tuesday, February 27
  • Conference Day (No School): Thursday, February 29
  • Conference Day (No School): Friday, March 1
  • Kindergarten Registration Opens: Friday, March 1

In Case You Missed It

Under the Lights Flag Football Registration

Under Armour Under the Lights Flag Football is currently signing kids up to play for the spring season, starting April 5, 2024 at Miami Meadows Park in Milford, Ohio. Visit or see the flyer below for more details.

Flag Football

Amity Yearbook Sales

Amity will be selling yearbooks once again. Please see the information below for details on how to order yours. All yearbooks are ordered online directly from Schoolhouse Photos.


Deer Park Preschool Registration

Deer Park residents with students who turn 4 before August 1, 2024 are eligible to attend Deer Park preschool in the 2024-25 school year.

Classes will run five days per week (Monday through Friday) with a morning and afternoon session. Each session will include up to 14 students.

Monthly tuition for students will be $200. The student MUST reside in Deer Park School District to be eligible for attendance.

You can request a spot to be held for your student beginning Jan. 5 by contacting Pam Gilreath at the Deer Park Board Office at 513.936.4698. A $25 nonrefundable deposit is required to reserve your child's spot in the class.

Official enrollment dates will be released soon. 

Please contact Director of Student Services Patty Hadden via email or by phone at (513)-936-5937 with any additional questions regarding preschool registration.

Headstart Preschool is also offered based on income requirements. Headstart is offered to qualifying students ages 3 and older. For more information about Headstart, visit the Deer Park website HERE.

Lost and Found

We will be placing the Amity Lost and Found in the cafeteria for students to look through and retrieve items. If your student is missing something, please make sure you have them take a look. We will be donating all unclaimed items to Sandy's Closet on December 18th.

Recess During Cold Weather

With a return to colder temperatures, please remember to send your child to school with appropriate outdoor attire for recess. We will be going outside whenever the “feels like” temperature is 25 degrees or above. This gives our students time to burn some energy while getting some fresh air. Our recesses are 20-30 minutes so it is important that our students be comfortable while they are outside.

Sandy’s Closet Hours

If you are in need of a coat for your child, please make sure to check out Sandy’s Closet at Holmes Elementary. Sandy's Closet is open for families to shop for clothing items Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to-3 p.m.

Individuals can contact Pam Gilreath with any questions.

Sandy's Closet Donations

Please remember Sandy's Closet for your donations of clean, gently used clothing, shoes, boots, etc. We are always accepting infant, toddler, youth sizes and clothing appropriate for our high school students.

Items can be dropped off at the Holmes Building during school days between 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Thank you for your continued support of Sandy's Closet!

Paying School Fees

Please remember to pay your student fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Fees can be paid in the front office during regular office hours or by using PaySchools. You will need a student ID to set up a PaySchools account. These are found on fee forms and are the same number your student uses for their lunch account. If your student doesn’t know this number, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at 513-891-5995. You can also email our secretaries, Diane Daily and Beth Teague for help.

Staying Connected

There are multiple ways to stay connected to Amity Elementary School.

  • Newsletter: All parents who have completed FinalForms should receive Amity Weekly Newsletters. If you are not currently receiving them, please register for the e-mail communication. To register, simply go to and click on the button on the bottom of the page that says “Subscribe to District News”.
  • Twitter: Follow Deer Park Schools for the most up-to-date news and happenings at @DeerParkSchools or @DeerParkAmity
  • Facebook: Follow us at Deer Park Community City Schools.

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