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The Amity Weekly Minute: May 19, 2024

What's New?

From the Desk of Mr. Drouhard

Amity Families,

The journey of school is a long one, but also seems to end in the blink of an eye. Yesterday, our seniors received their diploma from Deer Park High School and earned the title of graduates. Our 6th graders will be leaving us on Thursday to head over to the Junior High to fill their spots. Earlier this week, we welcomed in our next class of Deer Park students by hosting our kindergarten screeners at Amity. The class of 2037 is already poised to take the class of 2024’s place! One journey ends, and others begin. I’m sure our 2024 parents would have plenty of advice for the class of 2037’s parents. The most common one would be to enjoy the moments along the way because they will be gone before you know it.

I am so proud of the efforts of our students this year and wish them the best of luck on the rest of their journey! They will continue to do great things!

Please have a safe and restful summer!

Take Care,

Weekly Photo Gallery

Click the link below to access photos from all around Amity Elementary during the week! 

Full Photo Gallery

Weekly Gallery

Last Day of School- ½ Day for Students

Just a reminder that our last day of school will be Thursday, May 23rd. This will be a ½ day for students with dismissal occurring at 11:05. Teachers will be working on grade cards in the afternoon. Grade Cards will be mailed home Friday, May 31st.

Last Amity Minute of 2023-2024

This will be the last Amity Minute of the school year. We will resume the Amity Minute prior to school starting in August.

Amity Office Hours

The Amity Office will be open from May 24th-June 4th from 8:30-2:30.

Lost and Found

Lost and found items need to be collected before May 31st. The lost and found will be moved to the front hallway after school is let out for parents to come and view items. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Sandy’s Closet on June 1st.

Medication Pick-Up

This is a reminder that any student who has a medication(s) at school must have a parent/guardian/caregiver pick up the medication(s) by 3:00 PM on Thursday, May 23rd, 2024.

Any medication that is not picked up will be disposed of by the school nurses. 

If your child will require medication for the 2024-25 school year, please complete the appropriate medication form(s) below. A reminder that new forms are required for each school year. Please submit the new form(s) and medication(s) to the clinic by the first day of next school year. 

Please use the following links below for medical and medication forms:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health for the 2024-25 school year please reach out to the school nurse.

Deer Park Youth Summer Camps

Youth Camps

May Lunch Menu

Due to supply issues, lunch menu options change frequently based on availability. The most up-to-date menu is below, however, please continue to check the Deer Park Food Services website for the latest information.

Visit the Website

May 2024

Looking Ahead

Please mark these important dates on your calendar!

  • Field Day @ Chamberlin Park : Tuesday, May 21
  • Board of Education Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 21 | 4:30 p.m.
  • Last Day of School (Student Half Day): Thursday, May 23

In Case You Missed It

Champions Camp

Champions Camp

Kindergarten Registration Now Open

It's that time again, as we have officially opened Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-25 school year!

In an effort to make this process as easy as possible, we have created a page on our website to walk you step-by-step through registration. This page will serve as your guide for registration.

As a reminder, the Deer Park Board Policy on registering for Kindergarten is that the student must turn 5 years old on or before August 1st.

If you ever have any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or We are here to help!

Visit the Registration Page

Deer Park Preschool Registration

Deer Park residents with students who turn 4 before August 1, 2024 are eligible to attend Deer Park preschool in the 2024-25 school year.

Classes will run five days per week (Monday through Friday) with a morning and afternoon session. Each session will include up to 14 students.

Monthly tuition for students will be $200. The student MUST reside in Deer Park School District to be eligible for attendance.

You can request a spot to be held for your student beginning Jan. 5 by contacting Pam Gilreath at the Deer Park Board Office at 513.936.4698. A $25 nonrefundable deposit is required to reserve your child's spot in the class.

Official enrollment dates will be released soon. 

Please contact Director of Student Services Patty Hadden via email or by phone at (513)-936-5937 with any additional questions regarding preschool registration.

Headstart Preschool is also offered based on income requirements. Headstart is offered to qualifying students ages 3 and older. For more information about Headstart, visit the Deer Park website HERE.

Paying School Fees

Please remember to pay your student fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Fees can be paid in the front office during regular office hours or by using PaySchools. You will need a student ID to set up a PaySchools account. These are found on fee forms and are the same number your student uses for their lunch account. If your student doesn’t know this number, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at 513-891-5995. You can also email our secretaries, Diane Daily and Beth Teague for help.

Staying Connected

There are multiple ways to stay connected to Amity Elementary School.

  • Newsletter: All parents who have completed FinalForms should receive Amity Weekly Newsletters. If you are not currently receiving them, please register for the e-mail communication. To register, simply go to and click on the button on the bottom of the page that says “Subscribe to District News”.
  • Twitter: Follow Deer Park Schools for the most up-to-date news and happenings at @DeerParkSchools or @DeerParkAmity
  • Facebook: Follow us at Deer Park Community City Schools.

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