The Amity Weekly Minute: November 5, 2023
What's New?
From the Desk of Mr. Drouhard
Dear Amity Families,
It was great seeing everyone for our Halloween parade on Tuesday! What a fun afternoon for our Amity community. One thing that snuck up on us this week was the cold. I heard the forecast of snowflakes on Halloween, but didn’t believe it until I saw it. Please make sure you read our temperature gauge below for going outside for recess during these winter months. Dig out those gloves and hats, because I’m sure we will need them.
Take Care,
Weekly Photo Gallery
Click the link below to access photos from all around Amity Elementary during the week!
Full Photo Gallery
Recess During Cold Weather
With a return to colder temperatures, please remember to send your child to school with appropriate outdoor attire for recess. We will be going outside whenever the “feels like” temperature is 25 degrees or above. This gives our students time to burn some energy while getting some fresh air. Our recesses are 20-30 minutes so it is important that our students be comfortable while they are outside.
Sandy’s Closet Hours
If you are in need of a coat for your child, please make sure to check out Sandy’s Closet at Holmes Elementary. Sandy's Closet is open for families to shop for clothing items Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to-3 p.m.
Individuals can contact Pam Gilreath with any questions.
2nd Grade Veterans Day Ceremony
On Friday, Nov. 10, Amity Elementary will celebrate our veterans and current military personnel with a performance by our second graders. We need your help! If you are a veteran, currently serve, or you know any of these special individuals, please send us their names and contact information. We want you to be our guests of honor at our Veterans' Day Performance. You can call Mrs. Diane Daily at 513-891-5995 or email You can also send the information to a second-grade teacher.
Each year, our second graders continue their beloved tradition of a Veterans Day performance for our very special heroes. The event features a variety of poignant moments, such as an explanation of the Missing Man Table—which honors fallen, missing, or imprisoned military service members—as well as the flag-folding ceremony and a rendition of the United States Armed Forces Medley, during which all veterans stand during their respective verses.
The 2nd-grade class prepares for the event by learning about all the branches of the military, as well as what it means to be a veteran. The veterans in attendance each introduce themselves before being presented with artwork from the students.
We invite everyone in the community to come out and be a part of this momentous and moving program!
All veterans, community members, parents, and staff
Friday, November 10
9:30 a.m. (Doors will open at 9 a.m.)
Amity Elementary Gymnasium
4320 E. Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45236
Overflow parking will be available at St. Saviour Parish, located at 4136 Myrtle Ave. A shuttle bus will be provided to Amity at 8:45-9:15 a.m. We will also open our playground parking lot for overflow parking.
No School- Tuesday, November 7th
Just a reminder that there will not be school on Tuesday, November 7th. It will be a professional development day for our staff.
Sandy's Closet Donations
Please remember Sandy's Closet for your donations of clean, gently used clothing, shoes, boots, etc. We are always accepting infant, toddler, youth sizes and clothing appropriate for our high school students.
Items can be dropped off at the Holmes Building during school days between 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Thank you for your continued support of Sandy's Closet!
November Lunch Menu
Due to supply issues, lunch menu options change frequently based on availability. The most up-to-date menu is below, however, please continue to check the Deer Park Food Services website for the latest information.
Visit the Website
Looking Ahead
Please mark these important dates on your calendar!
- Election Day (No School for Students): Tuesday, November 7
- Camp Kern: November 6-8
- 2nd Grade Veterans Day Tribute: Friday, November 10 | 9:30 a.m.
- Board of Education Regular Meeting (State of the Schools): Monday, November 20 | 6:30 p.m.
- Thanksgiving Holiday Break: November 22-24
In Case You Missed It
2nd Annual Catch-A-Coat
New Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently announced several enhancements to the state's free Safer Ohio School Tip Line (1-844-SAFEROH) that will make it easier for Ohioans to report school safety concerns.
In addition to calling and texting the tip line, Ohioans anywhere in the state now can report school safety information through a new smartphone app and online web form.
The new Safer Ohio School Tip Line smartphone app, available both on iOS and Android devices, and the online web form include pre-populated prompts to help users quickly upload information.
Read the Full Release
Powder Puff Football Games
Join us for an exciting evening of gridiron action at Deer Park Jr./Sr. High School's Powder Puff game! Taking place on the DPHS Football Field on Thursday, November 9, 2023, the fun begins at 6 pm when the gates swing open. The game itself kicks off at 6:30 pm. For just $5, you can enjoy all the action, while children aged 12 and under get in for free. But that's not all! Indulge your sweet tooth at the bake sale, bid on fabulous items at the silent auction, and savor tasty concessions. Don't forget to try your luck with the Split the Pot drawing, and gear up in style with our spirit wear offerings. Plus, connect with local organizations and enjoy captivating halftime performances featuring Color Guard, Staff, and Students. Don't miss out on this exciting community event!
Children’s Hospital Center for ADHD Clinical Services
I wrote in my opening about my visit to the Children's Hospital ADHD Clinic. If you are interested in the services they are currently providing, please click on the link below. They offer traditional services for students as well as strategies for parents.
View the Flier
Holiday Food Drive
With the leaves beginning to change, we’re reminded that the holidays will be here before we know it. If you and your family are in need of assistance this holiday season, fill out a Holiday Food Drive form. All the buildings have forms available and the forms were also sent home with students.
Please make sure you return your holiday food drive request form as soon as possible to any building in the district. One form per family.
If you need assistance with this process or have questions, please contact Pam Gilreath at or 513-936-6286.
To print out a form:
Click Here
See You At School!
It's always tough to tell if you should send your student to school. As part of attendance month, we put together this flier to be helpful in making that decision.
Paying School Fees
Please remember to pay your student fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Fees can be paid in the front office during regular office hours or by using PaySchools. You will need a student ID to set up a PaySchools account. These are found on fee forms and are the same number your student uses for their lunch account. If your student doesn’t know this number, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at 513-891-5995. You can also email our secretaries, Diane Daily and Beth Teague for help.
Staying Connected
There are multiple ways to stay connected to Amity Elementary School.
- Newsletter: All parents who have completed FinalForms should receive Amity Weekly Newsletters. If you are not currently receiving them, please register for the e-mail communication. To register, simply go to and click on the button on the bottom of the page that says “Subscribe to District News”.
- Twitter: Follow Deer Park Schools for the most up-to-date news and happenings at @DeerParkSchools or @DeerParkAmity
- Facebook: Follow us at Deer Park Community City Schools.
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