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Wildcat Boosters

Wildcat Booster Members

  • Deer Park Athletic Boosters
  • Deer Park Band Sponsors
  • Deer Park Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
  • K.I.D.S. Organization (Keep Improving Deerpark Schools)


“The Wildcat Booster trifecta will make Deer Park athletics more successful when it comes to fundraising opportunities, joint events and activities, finances and reporting, and, most importantly, becoming better aware of the needs and wants of the community.”
– Gary Bosse, Deer Park Athletic Booster President


Mission Statement

The Deer Park Wildcat Boosters (DPWB), an Ohio nonprofit corporation with charitable tax exempt 501(c)(3) status, is dedicated to promoting financial support and public services to the Deer Park Community City Schools’ programs through its recognized student support organizations, which include the Deer Park Athletic Boosters, Deer Park Band Sponsors, Deer Park Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and the K.I.D.S. Organization (Keep Improving Deerpark Schools). The DPWB focuses its funding on special projects for the Deer Park Community City School District groups and organizations where additional support will make a significant difference.


History of the Wildcat Boosters

Unlike many area schools, the Deer Park Community City School District’s PTO, Athletic Boosters, and Band Sponsors collaborate under one umbrella: the Deer Park Wildcat Boosters (DPWB). This organization brings a unified awareness to the needs of the district, students, and parents.

In 2011, the Wildcat Boosters formed to better serve the Deer Park community. The number one goal of the Wildcat Boosters is better communication among the four organizations.  The organizations aim to provide better services to the students, staff, and community, so the organizational presidents meet often to share ideas and find ways to bring athletics, music, and PTO together in the name of the Deer Park students and community.